Eden Greene
Eden Greene

I'm Eden Greene, and this is my Global Initiatives Program (GIP) Scholar blog. I'm a Senior (Class of '25) at the Polytechnic School in Pasadena, CA, where I play water polo and am an Editor for the student newspaper, the Pawprint.

I'm interested in a future studying and promoting human rights and security through international connections. I'm currently a 2024-25 Girl Security National Fellow.

Since 2020, I've been working to bring the issue of child marriage to legislative attention. Even though the United Nations has committed itself to ending this human rights abuse, marriage under the age of 18 is legal across much of the United States, including in California. Recently, in my position as Youth Director of the Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council, I proposed a resolution to urge the City Council to take action against child marriage, which passed unanimously.

I've also been researching my family's history as Ukrainian immigrants. I created an online comic series, "Yocheved," about my great-grandmother's escape from pogroms and her journey to the United States in the early 20th century.


Spanish -- advanced

German -- beginner

American Sign Language (ASL) -- beginner

GIP Courses: Comunidad Global en Acción, Neuroscience and Humanities: Food, AP English Literature: Dramatizing the Human Experience, Facing Global Challenges

Global Organizations, Programs, and Connections:

Dual German / U.S. citizen

Girls Gearing Up (GGU) https://www.girlsgearingup.org/ (2020-21)

Capstone Project: The Invention of Truth (Upcoming, Spring, 2025)

Instagram: @edengreene25

Eden Greene

Eden Greene

“Where's your home, then?" "Nowhere," said Snufkin a little sadly, "or everywhere. It depends on how you look at it." - Tove Jannson, 'Comet in Moominland'